Updated 03/14/2024
If you have multiple accounts on Credly, with different email addresses, merge all of your accounts together under one email address and password.
- Log into the account you'd like to designate as your default account on https://www.credly.com/users/sign_in
- Navigate to "Settings" from profile icon drop down menu in the upper right corner of the screen
- Navigate to the "Account" tab in the left-hand menu
- Click on the link to the right of "Merge Account"
- Enter the email address and password of the account you want to merge into the default account
- You will receive an email at the email specified in step 5 with an authorization code
- Enter the authorization code into the text box and confirm the merge
- All accepted and pending badges from the merged account will be added to the default account
- The email address from the account that was merged into the default account will be added as a secondary email(s) to the master account.
To reverse merge your accounts, login to the account registered on Credly where you do not have physical access to the email inbox and start the merge from there. This way you receive the confirmation email to the address you do have access to.
- Navigate to "Settings" from the profile icon drop down menu in the upper right corner of the screen
- Navigate to the "Account" tab in the left-hand menu
- Click on the link to the right of "Merge Account"
- Enter the email address and password of the account you want to merge into the default account
- You will receive an email at the email specified in step 5 with an authorization code
- Enter the authorization code into the text box and confirm the merge
- All accepted and pending badges from the merged account will be added to the default account
- The email address from the account that was merged into the default account will be added as a secondary email(s) to the master account.
Once you merge the accounts, you can access your "Account Settings" under the profile icon drop down and switch your primary email address designation back to the email address where you have physical access.
It is important to note, we recommend leaving both addresses on the account. The reason for this is twofold, it allows you to gain any further badges or updates that are addressed under this address to appear on your account and also the secondary allows you another means to verify as well log in to your account.