Your Credly profile is the single, shareable digital record of all your verified skills – controlled by you and not dependent on any employer (past, present or future) or credential issuer to provide a complete record of your capabilities. Let's customize the header to begin.
Use the menu in the upper right to navigate to Profile.
This top part is the header. Click on the Edit button to add information about your current job status, occupational information, and links to social accounts. Whatever you do NOT fill in will not display.
If you are not far in your career, select what matches closest to your goals.
Notice in this area you can also add a photo and determine whether you want the profile to appear publicly. There is also a preview button so you can see how others will view your profile.
The personal summary is a super way to state what makes you an outstanding job candidate as well as to highlight qualities and aspirations.
It's easy to put your best foot (or face) forward with the header section of the profile.