What badges can I import?
We allow for the import of badges that follow the Open Badge standards. Badges from platforms such as Accredible or Badgr generally conform. Badges from other platforms may not.
What is an Open Badge?
Open badges follow standards that basically make the badge more useful. Open Badges include detailed, verifiable information embedded within them, such as:
- Issuer Information: Who awarded the badge.
- Criteria: What you needed to do to earn it.
- Evidence: Proof of your achievement.
- Dates: When you earned the badge and possibly when it expires.
This metadata ensures that Open Badges are trustworthy, portable, and compatible with platforms like ours.
Are there badges that are not Open?
Yes! Other digital badges that don’t follow these standards might just be image files or lack the necessary data for verification. Without this information, our platform can’t confirm the badge’s authenticity or details, so it isn’t considered “verified”. To have a verified badge, you’ll need to upload badges that comply with the Open Badge standard.
Why should I care?
For many employers and recruiters, the verification and authenticity of an open badge is a game changer. You want the best badge possible to do the most with your achievement!
Once I import a badge, why does it say “Unverified”?
Most likely, your badge doesn’t follow the Open Badge standard. Badges that don’t follow the Open Badge standard can’t be validated because they lack the required information embedded in the badge file. Essentially, a non-standard badge is just an image or a link, and there’s no way to confirm it’s authentic.
Why do some skills from my imported badge display in the skills wallet but not all skills?
When you import a badge, we extract any skills listed in the metadata and include them in the badge details. Whenever possible, we also match these skills to the Pearson ontology used in the Skills Wallet. If a badge doesn’t include predefined skills, we try to infer relevant skills from its title and description. If a skill has a green checkmark, it is aligned with the Pearson ontology. If it doesn't have the checkmark, it is not.
If your badge didn’t have clearly defined skills, we identified skills based on the available information. If you think more skills should be included, contact customer support, and we’ll investigate.
What’s the Pearson Ontology?
The Pearson ontology is a system that links skills to jobs based on millions of job ads worldwide. This system is regularly updated to reflect global workforce trends. Think of a giant network that connects skills to jobs to occupations and allows for some occupation modeling based on that. That’s why if you click on a skill that is connected to our ontology, we can tell you trends and occupations that are related. Want to see an example? https://www.credly.com/skills/python Also, skills with little checkmarks beside them indicate they are matched to the ontology.
Why isn’t my imported badge displaying in my transcript?
Only Credly badges are eligible to be included in the transcript. We have the relationship with each issuer to validate that they have the metadata needed. If you were specifically looking for an ACE endorsement from an imported badge, we’d have no way of verifying that.