How to Add an Outside Badge to Your Credly Profile

Updated 11-21-24

NOTE: We are rolling this out in phases, so if you are an IBM employee, you may not see this feature. Please know that it will be forthcoming. Thanks!


if you earned a badge on another platform, such as Accredible, you could add it to your Credly profile (as long as it meets the necessary criteria).

Requirements for Adding a Badge:

1. Compliance with OpenBadge Standards:

  • Your badge must meet OpenBadge 2.0 or 3.0 compliance standards. Ensure that the platform where you earned your badge supports these standards.
  • Badges from Microsoft, Oracle, and Salesforce are not supported.

2. Correct Email Address:

  • Ensure that the email address associated with your external badge matches one of the email addresses in your Credly account.
  • If the email is different, add it to your Credly account before proceeding.

3. Badge Format:

  • Obtain your badge in one of the supported formats: .png, .svg, or .json.
  • Each platform may offer different methods to download the badge. Look for an option to download the badge on the external platform.

Steps to Add Your Badge:

1. Log into Your External Badge Account:

  • For example, if your badge is on Accredible, log into that account.

2. Verify Your Email:

  • Check the email address to which your badge was issued.
  • Ensure that this email is added to your Credly profile under your “Settings”, if it differs from your primary one.


3. Download the Badge:

  • Download the badge from the external platform in the required format (.png, .svg, or .json).
    NOTE: This screenshot shows options in Accredible to download an earned badge and for this example, the result of the download is a .png file with a very long numeric name.

    NIST Badge.png

4. Upload the Badge to Credly:

  • Navigate to your Credly profile and access your "Profile".

  • Scroll down the page and access the “Badge Portfolio” section of your “Profile”
  • Select “+ Add badge from another provider”.
  • Select “Upload credential

  • Select the badge file from your computer and click “Add Badge”.

  • A warning may come up stating the badge is associated with a different email address. Verify that the email address has been added to your “Credly Profile”.

NOTE: Make sure you have Confirmed the email address through the email your Credly profile has sent to your new added email address. If there is a “!” next to the email on your profile it has not been verified/confirmed.

5. Review Badge Information:

  • After clicking “Add Badge”, a preview of the badge information will display with relevant details.
  • If the information is correct, click “Add Badge” to finalize the import.

6. Badge Status:

  • Once added, the badge will appear in a separate section of your badge portfolio named “Other”.
  • It may initially be marked as “unverified” until the issuing organization is verified.


NOTE: Badges issued by certain platforms like Microsoft, Oracle, and Salesforce are currently not compliant with OpenBadge standards and may not be able to imported.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: Why does Credly only accept OpenBadges 2.0 or 3.0?
A: Credly adheres to OpenBadge standards to ensure consistency and integrity in digital credentialing. Only badges that meet these standards can be properly displayed and verified.

Q: What if I no longer have access to the email associated with my badge?
A: If you’ve lost access to the email tied to your badge, add that email address to your Credly account as an additional email before attempting to upload the badge.

Q: What happens if I upload a revoked badge?
A: Revoked badges should not be uploaded. If a badge has been revoked, it’s no longer valid, and uploading it would misrepresent your qualifications.

Q: Can I upload an expired badge?
A: Yes, expired badges can be uploaded, but they will be marked as expired in your Credly profile.

Q: What if I get an error message saying “Unable to retrieve badge data”?
A: This error may occur if there’s a formatting issue or if the badge metadata can’t be accessed. Double-check that your badge meets OpenBadge 2.0 or 3.0 standards. If the badge is compliant and you still encounter this issue, contact Credly support for further assistance.

Q: Why aren't my outside badges included when sending my Credly Transcripts? 

A:  Since outside badges are not officially issued through Credly, they are not recognized as part of the Credly transcript. This ensures the transcript maintains it's integrity and only reflects badges directly issued and verified by Credly or affiliated organizations. 

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