Earner Dashboard!

Updated 06/06/2023

You may have noticed the New Earner Dashboard when signing into your Credly account.  With Credly’s New Earner Dashboard, users can see their most recently earned badge, activity summary,  and a space to update career goals all in one view. You will still view and share other badges from the Badges page. 




At the top of the Earner Dashboard you’ll see  "Most recently earned badge". Share your badge quickly by clicking into the share option. 


Select the More icon (...) to manage your badges privacy settings

Note: Badges set as private cannot be shared. 



When issued a badge from a new organization, one that isn't already set to auto-accept within your Credly profile, you'll be notified of the badge when you first sign in.  Click "Accept" to accept your badge. . 


The page will refresh and you'll have the opportunity to share the newly accepted badge from the same location.



Below "Most recently earned badge", you'll see an Activity Summary.  This section highlights  Badges, Skills, Shares, and Views from your profile. 



Badges: Equal the number of badges earned within the Badges Profile. 



Skills: Equal the number of skills each badge represents. 



Shares: Equal any successful share from the profile,  whether that be to social media or downloading an image as long as an error isn’t returned when sharing. 



Views:  Equal unique anonymous visitors who have visited your profile by clicking into your shared badge across all sharing options. 



Towards the bottom portion of the page there is a “Let's get to know you portion” that unlocks personalized learning and development opportunities. 


Updating your profile: 

Here you’ll want to update your profile information and click save. 



Indicate your skill interest:

Here you want to indicate your skill interest.  Type your interest and choose a skill from the drop down menu.  Add any skills you’re interested in learning and click save. 


Note: These skills will help serve badge recommendations that are to come with an update to this dashboard in a few weeks.

Once completed, both sections will be checked.  In a few weeks this area will serve as “Explore Other Badges” based on your entered interests. 


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