Badge Wallet & Sharing

Updated 06/06/2023


The badge wallet shows all earned badges from your Credly profile, with new options to sort and pin.  

  • Sort: Badges are sortable alphabetically by badge name, by date earned, or by last updated.


  • Pin: Badges that are often accessed or shared to the top of the badge wallet for easier access. 

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Manage Badge Visibility: Tap into the badge and select "Manage badge" Toggle the option to make your publicly visible or private to the public.  You can also reject your badge if you no longer want the badge in your Badge wallet. 


Note: If you reject a badge, you loose all access to this particular badge. This action cannot be undone without "Submitting a Request" to our Support Staff. 

Share: Tap share and choose to copy to your clipboard or share to LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.  

  IMG_1258_copy.PNG. IMG_1262.PNG

You can also select the more icon (…) to text your badge to your contacts, send via email or share to your other apps. 


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