Updated 06/06/2023
Add your badge to your LinkedIn profile and/or share to your feed through the Share options within your badge on Credly's Acclaim platform.
First go to your Dashboard and click into the badge you'd like to share. Next click the Share button at the top of the page.
Clicking Share will bring you to all of the badge share options available.
If you haven't connected your LinkedIn account with your profile choose Connect. You will then be asked to sign into your LinkedIn account and allow Credly to access. If you have questions about these permissions, please see this related article.
Once connected, you'll see both options to Add to profile or Share to Feed. If you'd like to only add your badge to your profile, uncheck Share to Feed and vice versa if you'd like to only Share to your Feed.
Note: Sharing to your Feed, allows you to enter a custom message. This message must contain no more than 1100 characters.
Next select Share To LinkedIn.
LinkedIn will open in a new window, populating all of your badge information.
Please Note: Credly does not provide credential ID's. This is an optional field and can be left blank.
Please note: If you notice that the Issuing organization is not populated, you can type in the name of the issuing organization within this field.
Next, Click Save.
You'll see a pop up from LinkedIn that asks you to share with your network. If you click next, it will post an image to your feed and not your badge image to click through to Credly. This option should be skipped.
Your badge will then appear under the License and Certification section of your LinkedIn profile. Only the Issuing organizations logo will appear next to your badge information. Clicking See Credential will take anyone viewing this badge from your LinkedIn profile to the badge assertion page within your profile.
When Sharing your badge to your Feed, you will see the badge image itself.