Updated 06/06/2023
Easily share your badge to your organization's page by either creating a post and pinning it to the top of your page or adding your badge image and URL to a photo album.
Create a post with your badge
- Log into your account on https://www.credly.com/users/sign_in
- From your Dashboard, select the badge you'd like to share
- Click "Share"
- You will be brought to the "Share Badge" screen
- Next, click the public link option and copy the public-facing URL associated with your badge
- Now, open another tab in your internet browser and go to your organization's page on Facebook
- Click "Write something..." to begin your post
- Paste your badge URL
- Click "Publish"
- If you'd like this post to remain at the top of your page's newsfeed, click the arrow at the top right corner and click "Pin to Top of Page"
Add and hyperlink a photo of your badge
- Log into your account on https://www.credly.com/users/sign_in
- From your Dashboard, Select the badge you'd like to share
- click "Share"
- You will be brought to the "Share Badge" screen
- Click the "Download Badge Image" option.
- Select your preferred size and click "Download Image"
- Next, click the "Public Link" option and copy the public-facing URL associated with your badge
- Now, open another tab in your internet browser and go to your organization's page on Facebook
- Go to the "Photos" section of your page and click "Add Photos"
- Upload your badge visual
- Under "Say something about this photo..." paste your badge URL
- Click "Post"