Updated 06/06/2023
Experiencing an issue with your account on Credly? Please use this submit a request form to reach Credly's support. Credly support can assist with the following:
- Gaining access to an account registered to an email address you can no longer access
- Resetting your password
- Merging your accounts
- Adding a secondary email address to your profile
- General badge inquires; including searching our system for badges that have already been issued, and troubleshooting accepting a pending badge.
IBM uses Credly to issuing IBM badges. Please be aware that IBM manages all of the underlying activities associated with their badges and they are responsible to issue their badges. You will need to reach out to the individual IBM badge 'owner/issuer'' for the specific badge/s you are inquiring about and they can assist you. In order to locate the badge owner/issuer, search for your badge as indicated below:
- IBM employees:
- Search for badges here: https://yourlearning.ibm.com/#
search/badges - Then click on the 'View additional information' link
- Search for badges here: https://yourlearning.ibm.com/#
- Non-IBMer's:
- Search for badges here: www.ibm.com/badging
- Then click on the 'View additional information' link
Note: If this is related to a missing badge for a course taken through Coursera, please reach out to Coursera directly by opening a ticket here: https://learner.coursera.help/hc/en-us/articles/209819063-Solve-problems-with-Course-Certificates You will have to be logged in to submit a ticket.
Please also note: There is a Contact Us option at the bottom of the page if the FAQs don’t help.
If you’re having trouble with Bluepages or W3, these pages are hosted by IBM. Please reach out to IBM directly to inquire about the problem you’re experiencing.
Credly suggest adding a personal secondary email address to your account. This way if your email address changes or if you no longer work at IBM, you will always be able to access your account. Remember, you can only request a password reset using your primary email address.
To add a secondary within your account:
- Click on the profile icon in the upper right and select "Settings."
- You'll be taken directly to your "Account" page
- In the "Add another Email Address" box, add the additional email and click on the "Add" button
- You'll receive a confirmation email to the email you just added. Click the appropriate link to confirm the address.
If you have an existing account registered to an older IBM email address that you no longer have access to, Credly can help you gain access to this account. We will ask that you verify the email address. Please use this submit a request form to reach Acclaim support.